Free VIN Decoder & Lookup

By decoding a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), you can learn more about a vehicle before making a purchase, sale, or trade.

What is a VIN and why do I need a VIN Decode?

The vehicle identification number is a distinct seventeen-character code assigned to that particular vehicle. All service records, accidents, and recalls are tied back to its VIN.

A proper VIN decode will help confirm that the car being examined lives up to one’s expectations. It ensures that the history associated with the VIN in a vehicle report matches that of the vehicle being investigated. In addition to this, a VIN decode can also highlight possible risks such as vehicle fraud or VIN cloning (for example, the VIN shows a truck, while you’re inspecting an SUV).

Any address associated with the report may become evident after the means of purchase and as well as the vehicle VIN.

Where can I find my VIN?

A VIN is generally prepped in a place on the dashboard of the vehicle; however, it can be inconsequential, depending on the vehicle's manufacturer and model.

You’ll be able to find it in one of these locations...


Under the hood (front of engine)


Driver’s side interior dash (most common)


Front end of frame (older cars)


Driver’s side door pillar (inside)

How to read and decode your car's Vehicle Identification Number.

Let’s take a look at a VIN and see how it’s broken down and decoded:

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